Friday, April 13, 2012

I only have half year.


      After half year, I'm gonna sit for SPM, an examination which is decide what my future gonna be, I wanna get good result, at least please better than PMR, 1A7B seriously not really nice at all. I wanna get better, if can please better than UPSR, 4A's. I ever been a quality student but now is getting worst, my average is getting much more worst than before!!! What happened to me in this 4 years ?! I'm so fed up with myself, so stupid and yet so not focus on study. :/

I NEVER PASS ALL MY SUBJECT IN THIS 5 YEARS ! Except for PMR, but school's examination always didn't. The best result is get 1 failed. That's me, stupid and idiot me. First 3 years in high school, I was keep on enjoying and never put effort on study. So when I step into form 4, I started regret, I feel sad. I can't imagine that actually I didn't do well my basic, make me so suffer in form 4 and of course now form 5. I want to go for tuition but family's problems, I wanna stop working but I can't, I have to buy my own things and save money for the future. I'M LIKE IN THE HELL. :'(

I keep on forcing myself to love Add Math & Prinsip Akaun, that's so fucking hard for me, because it's calculating, I'm sucks in calculating :( So yeah, I can't get good result in Math too, but at least I passed :D I need go for tuition, and I know I have to go very badly!! But money problems always make me can't, what I do is listen what teacher taught in school but I still can't understand!! Look at my friend who went for Mr.Tan's account tuition, they all improve so much better than before. Can get at least C+ not fail anymore !! I need go for tuition !!! I ONLY LEFT HALF YEAR .


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