Monday, June 20, 2011

I want to leave.

People who know me well, all of them know I wish to leave here so badly. Because everyday, I get hurt from family, I get hurt by my friends. My hand, full of scars. Yes, I'm trying to suicide, but my lovely brother always saved me from dead. I don't know how to face these miserable things that happened to me, and I don't even know how to solve them. I don't know what should I do.

I keep crying when night. I hide in my room. Everyday, when I close my eyes, I wish I can't wake anymore for the next day, I don't want suffer like in hell. You maybe can see I smile and be a laughter everyday, but each time I smile, I get hurt one more time. Because its fake, it isn't real. Why I'm only 16 but always keep get scars ? I'm not thinking too much. This is what I see. I hate myself  :(

You know what ? I don't know what should I do in my miserable life (':  All I want just wanna leave here, and start over my new life at other place.

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