Sunday, June 26, 2011

I just hate you.

I don't get why you can't treat her better ? You're already bankrupt and yet still wanna pretend that you're boss ? HELLO ! FACE THE FACT ! You just a normal people. Don't treat other like shit can or not ? You torture your son and daughter, and even your maid ! What the hell you are thinking ? You never pay her the salary and still want to scold her everyday without reason ? !  I hate you so much even you're my mom. I don't care whatever people might think about me because I wrote you like this. You just like an devil. Learn from the lesson, don't think you're like a princess ! YOU DON'T EVEN DO ANYTHING AT HOME AND STILL LIE DADDY THAT WE'RE THE ONE WHO DIDN'T DONE OUR HOME-WORK ! F you seriously. I hate you much more before.

As a parent, you shouldn't let your children look down on you but you just did. I love kakak more than you, I love my brother more than you. You never do anything for this home and still pretending to others that you're such as superwoman. YOU HAVE MENTAL PROBLEM ! You this stupid devil liar ! Kakak is the one who besides me when my heart break into the pieces, she's the only one will ask me to take care of my body when I'm sick. She's the only one will think what should cook today just scare we get hungry ! She hate you to the max but she never did something that will get bad karma on you ! She hates you, but she still doing her job ! She's our superwoman, she's our be love family member ! NOT YOU !

You're pretending ! You cheat on everybody ! Your eyes just only can see money ! You never did what a mother should do ! ANYONE WHO OUT THERE ARE BETTER THAN YOU ! I know you born me but since the day I born in this world, you never take care me anymore ! I don't respect you at all ! You don't deserve your children respect because you don't even care your children. I hate you to the max. I don't love you, not even 1% ! Daddy always stand by your side because you lie ! YOU'RE A TERRIBLE LIAR ! I HATE YOU !


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